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 Have you or someone you know experienced microaggressions? Microaggressions can happen anywhere and anytime. In the workplace, school, or even at the grocery store. They can be verbal, nonverbal, or offensive remarks and can be intentional or unintentional. The term Microaggressions first originated in 1970 by Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Chester Pierce. Pierce used this term to describe the daily insults directed toward African Americans (Harrison, Tanner, 2018). Marginalized groups frequently encounter microaggressions in their daily interactions. (i.e., people of color, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ+ people, etc.). 

It's important to learn about microaggressions because it can help people recognize and respond strategically. It promotes awareness of microaggression and how it can affect an individual. Learning about microaggressions can help promote an inclusive environment. 

The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) invites you to attend a Microaggressions Training on March 6th, 2024, from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. in Student Commons 122. This training will be a peer-to-peer learning experience and be presented by a Diversity Peer Specialist, Ashley Sigala. Ashley wanted to learn more about this topic as part of her professional development and is looking forward to sharing what she learned. Snacks and beverages will be provided (while supplies last)!  

Students will learn about:

  • How to define microaggressions 
  • Identify the different types of microaggressions
  • Identify potential strategies for responding to microaggressions 


For additional questions regarding this event, please email


Works Cited

“Language Matters: Considering Microaggressions in Science.” ASCB, ASCB, 19 May 2023, Accessed 20 February 2024.


Wing, Derald. “Microaggressions: Death by a Thousand Cuts.” Scientific American, 30 March 2021, ;